This implmentation of rbind combines component tables using bind_rows and distinct. When combined object use different datasets, or when subsets of the same object are recombined, this function works well. When this is not the case, it may be necessary to modify the tables such that when they are passed to bind_rows and distinct, no duplicate information exists. This should be picked up by validate_mudata.

# S3 method for mudata
rbind(..., validate = TRUE)



mudata objects to combine


Flag to validate the final object using validate_mudata.


A mudata object


rbind( kentvillegreenwood %>% select_params(maxtemp) %>% select_locations(starts_with("KENT")), kentvillegreenwood %>% select_params(mintemp) %>% select_locations(starts_with("GREEN")) )
#> A mudata object aligned along "date" #> distinct_datasets(): "ecclimate" #> distinct_locations(): "GREENWOOD A", "KENTVILLE CDA CS" #> distinct_params(): "maxtemp", "mintemp" #> src_tbls(): "data", "locations" ... and 3 more #> #> tbl_data() %>% head(): #> # A tibble: 6 x 6 #> dataset location param date value flags #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <date> <dbl> <chr> #> 1 ecclimate KENTVILLE CDA CS maxtemp 1999-07-01 28.5 <NA> #> 2 ecclimate KENTVILLE CDA CS maxtemp 1999-07-02 30.7 <NA> #> 3 ecclimate KENTVILLE CDA CS maxtemp 1999-07-03 26.4 <NA> #> 4 ecclimate KENTVILLE CDA CS maxtemp 1999-07-04 28.6 <NA> #> 5 ecclimate KENTVILLE CDA CS maxtemp 1999-07-05 26 <NA> #> 6 ecclimate KENTVILLE CDA CS maxtemp 1999-07-06 25.3 <NA>