Counts the number of geometries, rings, and coordinates found within each feature. As opposed to wk_meta(), this handler will iterate over the entire geometry.

wk_count(handleable, ...)

# Default S3 method
wk_count(handleable, ...)




A geometry vector (e.g., wkb(), wkt(), xy(), rct(), or sf::st_sfc()) for which wk_handle() is defined.


Passed to the wk_handle() method.


A data.frame with one row for every feature encountered and columns:

  • n_geom: The number of geometries encountered, including the root geometry. Will be zero for a null feature.

  • n_ring: The number of rings encountered. Will be zero for a null feature.

  • n_coord: The number of coordinates encountered. Will be zero for a null feature.


wk_count(as_wkt("LINESTRING (0 0, 1 1)"))
#>   n_geom n_ring n_coord
#> 1      1      0       2
wk_count(as_wkb("LINESTRING (0 0, 1 1)"))
#>   n_geom n_ring n_coord
#> 1      1      0       2