These fixtures are calculated from PROJ version 9.1.0 and the database built from its source. They are used internally to transform and inspect coordinate reference systems.




An object of class data.frame with 13387 rows and 7 columns.

An object of class data.frame with 13387 rows and 3 columns.


#>      table_name auth_name  code                                   name
#> 1  vertical_crs      EPSG 10150          MSL UK & Ireland VORF08 depth
#> 2  vertical_crs      EPSG 10151           CD UK & Ireland VORF08 depth
#> 3  compound_crs      EPSG 10156 ETRS89 + MSL UK & Ireland VORF08 depth
#> 4  compound_crs      EPSG 10157  ETRS89 + CD UK & Ireland VORF08 depth
#> 5  geodetic_crs      EPSG 10158                               S34J-IRF
#> 6 projected_crs      EPSG 10160    S34J reconstruction east-orientated
#>            type description deprecated
#> 1      vertical        <NA>          0
#> 2      vertical        <NA>          0
#> 3      compound        <NA>          0
#> 4      compound        <NA>          0
#> 5 geographic 2D        <NA>          0
#> 6     projected        <NA>          0
#> [1] "auth_name" "code"      "projjson"