The Edwards (1997) model is a Langmuir-based semiempirical model designed to predict OC removal during alum coagulation. The model is on a non-linear function derived from physical relationships, primarily the process of Langmuir sorptive removal (Tipping 1981, Jekyl 1986).
coagulate(data, coefs)
coagulate_base(DOC, dose, pH, UV254, K1, K2, x1, x2, x3, b, root = -1)
A data frame containing columns DOC
, dose
, pH
, and UV254
The output of edwards_coefs()
or a similar named vector
containing elements K1
, K2
, x1
, x2
, x3
, b
and root
The initial DOC concentration (mg/L).
The coagulant metal concentration (Al3+ or Fe3+) in mmol/L.
The pH of coagulation.
The absorbance of UV254 (1/cm). With DOC
used to calculate SUVA.
Empirical fitting coefficients relating to SUVA.
Empirical fitting coefficients relating to pH.
The Langmuir term.
The solution to the equation presented in Edwards (1997) is
a quadratic with two roots. root
can be 1 or -1 to account for these roots,
however we see no evidence that anything except -1 here results in realistic
A vector of predicted organic carbon concentrations (in mg/L) following coagulation.
Edwards, M. 1997. Predicting DOC removal during enhanced coagulation. Journal - American Water Works Association, 89: 78–89.
Jekel, M.R. 1986. Interactions of humic acids and aluminum salts in the flocculation process. Water Research, 20: 1535-1542.
Tipping, E. 1981. The adsorption of aquatic humic substances by iron oxides. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 45: 191-199.
alum_jar_tests <- edwards_data("Al")
alum_jar_tests$DOC_final_model <- coagulate(alum_jar_tests, edwards_coefs("Al"))
plot(DOC_final_model ~ DOC_final, data = alum_jar_tests)