Powered by prcomp. When creating the nested_data, the data should be scaled (i.e, trans = scale) if all variables are not in the same unit.

nested_prcomp(.data, data_column = .data$data, ...)



A data frame with a list column of data frames, possibly created using nested_data.


An expression that evalulates to the data object within each row of .data


Passed to prcomp.


.data with additional columns 'model', 'loadings', 'variance' and 'scores'


library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

nested_pca <- alta_lake_geochem %>%
    qualifiers = c(depth, zone),
    key = param,
    value = value,
    trans = scale
  ) %>%

# get variance info
nested_pca %>% unnested_data(variance)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#>   component component_text standard_deviation variance variance_propor…¹ varia…²
#>       <int> <chr>                       <dbl>    <dbl>             <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1         1 PC1                         2.15    4.61             0.768     0.768
#> 2         2 PC2                         0.884   0.781            0.130     0.899
#> 3         3 PC3                         0.603   0.364            0.0607    0.959
#> 4         4 PC4                         0.381   0.145            0.0242    0.984
#> 5         5 PC5                         0.276   0.0761           0.0127    0.996
#> 6         6 PC6                         0.151   0.0228           0.00380   1    
#> # … with abbreviated variable names ¹​variance_proportion,
#> #   ²​variance_proportion_cumulative

# get loadings info
nested_pca %>% unnested_data(loadings)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 7
#>   variable    PC1     PC2    PC3    PC4     PC5     PC6
#>   <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1 C        -0.380 -0.540  -0.460  0.162 -0.567   0.0718
#> 2 C/N       0.401 -0.451   0.207 -0.735 -0.223  -0.0408
#> 3 Cu       -0.387 -0.340   0.760  0.173  0.0609  0.352 
#> 4 Ti        0.439  0.0783  0.356  0.483 -0.565  -0.350 
#> 5 d13C      0.458  0.0890 -0.144  0.145 -0.126   0.851 
#> 6 d15N     -0.377  0.613   0.144 -0.386 -0.539   0.149 

# scores, requalified
nested_pca %>% unnested_data(c(qualifiers, scores))
#> # A tibble: 32 × 9
#>    depth zone   row_number    PC1      PC2    PC3     PC4     PC5     PC6
#>    <dbl> <chr>       <int>  <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1  0.25 Zone 3          1 -3.41   1.05    -0.517 -1.14   -0.261  -0.363 
#>  2  0.75 Zone 3          2 -3.71  -0.00229 -0.280 -0.954   0.156   0.0447
#>  3  1.25 Zone 3          3 -3.75  -0.980    0.833  0.0304  0.187   0.0475
#>  4  1.75 Zone 3          4 -3.89  -0.925    1.12   0.0765 -0.0739  0.202 
#>  5  2.5  Zone 3          5 -3.46  -1.19     0.967  0.270  -0.0480  0.0348
#>  6  3.5  Zone 3          6 -2.88  -0.835    0.394  0.151   0.0405 -0.179 
#>  7  4.5  Zone 2          7 -1.49  -0.293   -0.144  0.248  -0.0819 -0.0934
#>  8  5.5  Zone 2          8 -0.223  0.0818  -0.218  0.575   0.342  -0.237 
#>  9  6.5  Zone 2          9 -0.331  0.573   -0.181  0.366   0.354  -0.0660
#> 10  7.5  Zone 2         10 -0.638  0.543   -0.904  0.145   0.239   0.150 
#> # … with 22 more rows