Stratigraphic diagramsHelpers for ggplot2-based stratigraphic diagrams. |
Useful geometries for strat diagrams |
Connect observations in the vertical direction |
Exaggerated geometries that do not train scales |
Vertical ribbons and area plots |
Display a dendrogram as a ggplot2 layer |
Scales for relative abundance values |
Age-depth scales |
Facet for relative abundance data |
Add a dendrogram as a layer or facet |
Add scores to a plot |
Common plot modifications for stratigraphic plots |
Geochem facet labelers |
Species facet labellers |
A Paleo-friendly ggplot2 theme |
Change facet ordering behaviour |
Age-depth modelsFunctions to interpolate/extrapolate ages and depths given a set of paired age/depth values. |
Create age depth models |
Predict age and depth values |
Use an age depth model as a second ggplot axis |
Age-depth model interpolators/extrapolators |
Plot an age depth model using base graphics |
Coerce and validate transforms and functions that produce them |
Nested analysesHelpers for clustering and ordination of stratigraphic data. |
Perform an analysis on a nested data matrix |
Prepare a parameter-long data frame for statistical analysis |
Nested (Constrained) hierarchical clustering |
Nested Principal Components Analysis (PCA) |
Plot a nested analysis |
Example dataReal data sets to test and document this package. |
Alta Lake Lead-210 and Carbon-14 Ages |
Halifax lakes water chemistry and top/bottom diatom counts |
Keji lakes core diatom counts |
Long Lake Carbon-14 Ages |
Kellys Lake Data |