The goal of electionca is to provide Canadian (general) election data in an easily accessible format for R users. It is based on the Library of Parliament’s ParlInfo site, but also includes geography for elections since 2003 (2003, 2013 and 2015). Approximate geography is derived for historical ridings based on riding associations noted by the Library of Parliament.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

If you can load the package, you’re all set!



This package contains geographic information about ridings (ridings), results from each riding for each general election (results), and low-resolution boundaries, where these are known (2006-present). It contains convenience functions to plot election results in bar, cartogram, and map format:

The easiest way to access the data in this package is through the election_results() function, which modifies the raw data slightly to provide the data that you probably want to work with:

If you’re looking to do a more comprehensive analysis, you can access the raw data using results, ridings, and boundaries.

#> # A tibble: 42,096 x 7
#>    election_date riding      name        party       votes result person_id
#>    <date>        <chr>       <chr>       <chr>       <dbl> <chr>      <dbl>
#>  1 1867-08-07    NB/1867/al… John WALLA… Liberal Pa…   778 Elect…     15128
#>  2 1867-08-07    NB/1867/al… Henry J. S… Unknown       714 Defea…        NA
#>  3 1867-08-07    NB/1867/ca… Charles CO… Liberal Pa…     0 Elect…     16576
#>  4 1867-08-07    NB/1867/ch… John BOLTON Liberal Pa…  1214 Elect…     13379
#>  5 1867-08-07    NB/1867/ch… Robert THO… Unknown       918 Defea…        NA
#>  6 1867-08-07    NB/1867/gl… Timothy Wa… Liberal Pa…  1061 Elect…     14587
#>  7 1867-08-07    NB/1867/gl… John MEHAN  Unknown       671 Defea…        NA
#>  8 1867-08-07    NB/1867/ke… Auguste RE… Liberal Pa…   876 Elect…      4768
#>  9 1867-08-07    NB/1867/ke… NA DES BRI… Unknown       757 Defea…        NA
#> 10 1867-08-07    NB/1867/ke… NA MCINERN… Unknown       485 Defea…        NA
#> # … with 42,086 more rows
#> # A tibble: 1,493 x 8
#>    riding   riding_label year_start year_end riding_id province   lon   lat
#>    <chr>    <chr>             <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 AB/1904… Calgary            1904     1908      1371 Alberta  -113.  51.7
#>  2 AB/1907… Medicine Hat       1907     2015      5224 Alberta  -111.  50.0
#>  3 AB/1908… Edmonton           1908     1917      2704 Alberta  -114.  53.6
#>  4 AB/1908… Macleod            1908     1968      5037 Alberta  -112.  50.9
#>  5 AB/1908… Red Deer           1908     2015      7064 Alberta  -114.  52.1
#>  6 AB/1908… Strathcona         1908     1925      8822 Alberta  -114.  52.8
#>  7 AB/1908… Victoria           1908     1925      9615 Alberta  -114.  52.8
#>  8 AB/1917… Battle River       1917     1953       808 Alberta  -114.  52.1
#>  9 AB/1917… Bow River          1917     1968      1119 Alberta  -112.  51.3
#> 10 AB/1917… Calgary West       1917     1953      1395 Alberta  -114.  52.1
#> # … with 1,483 more rows
#> Simple feature collection with 1600 features and 2 fields
#> geometry type:  GEOMETRY
#> dimension:      XY
#> bbox:           xmin: -2371619 ymin: -724687.7 xmax: 3012991 ymax: 4654012
#> epsg (SRID):    3978
#> proj4string:    +proj=lcc +lat_1=49 +lat_2=77 +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-95 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs
#> # A tibble: 1,600 x 3
#>    election_date riding                                            boundary
#>    <date>        <chr>                                        <POLYGON [m]>
#>  1 2006-01-23    AB/1907/medici… ((-1173009 394195.8, -1172396 393674.9, -…
#>  2 2006-01-23    AB/1908/red_de… ((-1282197 563271.4, -1279521 562433.7, -…
#>  3 2006-01-23    AB/1925/peace_… ((-1032020 1302682, -1098867 1085578, -11…
#>  4 2006-01-23    AB/1925/wetask… ((-1278147 676705, -1278199 676488.1, -12…
#>  5 2006-01-23    AB/1953/edmont… ((-1191073 673934.7, -1190621 674150.3, -…
#>  6 2006-01-23    AB/1968/crowfo… ((-1153444 636376.6, -1153873 634881.6, -…
#>  7 2006-01-23    AB/1979/calgar… ((-1313621 434403.1, -1311302 431518.2, -…
#>  8 2006-01-23    AB/1979/yellow… ((-1474371 894567.9, -1461911 889687.5, -…
#>  9 2006-01-23    AB/1988/calgar… ((-1296230 423767.1, -1296416 423176, -13…
#> 10 2006-01-23    AB/1988/calgar… ((-1305123 411846.9, -1305024 411769.9, -…
#> # … with 1,590 more rows

For examples of how to use the raw data to create the plots returned by plot_election_map() and plot_election(), see vignette("plot_election", package = "electionca").